Saturday, September 19, 2009

Podcast Week 9: Cowabunga!

Daniel steals Kevin's skate key; Patty makes friends with a spider; and Jack's mouth-to-mouth is a little out of practice.

The Young & the Restless Recap: Week 9

Thanks for listening! We love your comments, news, rants, etc!


Anonymous said...

Whoa... great timing on the podcast. Monday I was going to pierce the skin near my clavicle and attach my skate key to it... didn't know skate keys were not 'tre chic'... thank you for saving me from the fashionistas... I may still go with the clavicle thing, but definitely no skate key... thanks for the great 'cast'... as usual 'top shelf'.... Evets Regas

The Young & the Restless Recap said...

Haha! I think we should bring back the skate key - so vintage, right?