Saturday, December 5, 2009

Week 15: Chance gets pinned; Mac signs the preggers contract; and Nick has a new appreciation of Spanish guitar.

The Young and the Restless: Week 15

I think you could tell we were enjoying our TGIF beers during this one. Thanks for listening and commenting!!


BubuBORG said...

Kind of wondering if the vintage episodes that they aired during Thanksgiving week hold any clue to what's going w/Ryder and Daisy. Michael/Lauren wedding included: Sheila, Terrible Tom, Cricket as people who aren't on the soap anymore. The second one was the "It's a wonderful life" episode centered around Michael. Oooooh! What if it's CRICKET! What if she's gone bad? Dark Cricket!!! my caffeine-needing mind boggles at the thought!

Anonymous said...

"A rose by any other name..."
L - osers of the week, scrawny Ryder, Deacon's hair, Tucker McCall
I - nexperienced lovers need not apply
N - ick a "mopey puss"
D - eflowering of Chance; a gift marked "return to sender"
S - and wedge upside the head for Billy 'Woods'
A - plus for Ashley's lipstick, Mac's hair and Hot Heather
Y - & R family tree; can you say "dutch elm disease"

I've emptied my soul... am I forgiven?


The Young & the Restless Recap said...

Adam! That's an amazing insight about Daisy and Ryder! I missed the classic episodes and they weren't online. Very, VERY interesting...

Yes Evetz...all is forgiven. Especially when we drink during a podcast.